The Safety of Chiropractic Care for Individuals with Low Bone Density

Chiropractic care is a popular treatment option for musculoskeletal conditions, especially back pain, neck pain, and joint dysfunction. However, for individuals with low bone density or osteoporosis, there are concerns regarding the safety of spinal manipulations and other chiropractic interventions. Low bone density makes bones more fragile and prone to fractures, so it is important to approach chiropractic care with special considerations for this population.


What is Low Bone Density?

Low bone density, also known as osteopenia or osteoporosis (in more advanced cases), occurs when bones lose minerals, primarily calcium, making them weaker and more susceptible to fractures. While osteopenia is a mild decrease in bone density, osteoporosis significantly increases fracture risk, particularly in areas like the spine, hips, and wrists. Age, menopause, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and certain medications can contribute to this condition.


Chiropractic Care and Low Bone Density

Chiropractors are experts in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal problems through manual adjustments, stretching, soft tissue therapy, and exercise recommendations. For patients with low bone density, chiropractors may be especially helpful in managing pain, improving mobility, and preventing further degeneration. However, given the fragility of bones in these patients, extra caution is required.


Gentle Techniques

A key aspect of ensuring safety in chiropractic care for individuals with low bone density is the use of gentle, low-force techniques. Traditional high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) adjustments may not be suitable for patients with fragile bones due to the risk of fractures. Instead, chiropractors can employ modified methods, such as:

  1. Activator Method: This technique uses a handheld spring-loaded device called an activator to deliver a gentle impulse to the spine. It allows for precise adjustments without the forceful thrust associated with manual manipulations.

  2. Drop Table Technique: In this approach, the patient is positioned on a special table with sections that drop slightly as the chiropractor applies gentle pressure. The drop reduces the amount of force needed for the adjustment while still promoting joint mobility.

  3. Soft Tissue Therapy: Chiropractic care can include massage, trigger point therapy, and myofascial release to improve muscle function, reduce tension, and increase blood flow, which can promote healing and alleviate pain without stressing the bones.

  4. Exercise Prescription: Chiropractors often recommend specific exercises to strengthen muscles and improve balance, which can help reduce the risk of falls and fractures in individuals with low bone density.


Individualised Treatment Plans

At Day Chiropractic in Geelong, we thoroughly evaluate your medical history, current bone health, and risk factors before developing a treatment plan. If you have low bone density, diagnostic tools such as bone density scans (DEXA scans) and X-rays may be reviewed to assess the extent of the condition. We will collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as primary care physicians, to ensure that your chiropractic care complements your overall treatment plan.


Addressing Safety Concerns

Many patients with low bone density worry about the risk of injury during chiropractic care, especially spinal fractures. Research suggests that chiropractic care, when performed with modifications for conditions like osteoporosis, is generally safe. A 2010 study published in Spine Journal found that low-force chiropractic techniques do not increase the risk of vertebral fractures in osteoporotic patients when compared to no treatment or physical therapy.


To further enhance safety, chiropractors avoid forceful adjustments in high-risk areas, such as the thoracic spine or hip joints, and focus on more low force methods. Open communication between the patient and chiropractor is crucial. Patients should inform their chiropractor of any discomfort or changes in symptoms during treatment so adjustments can be made accordingly.



Chiropractic care can be a safe and effective option for individuals with low bone density, provided that care is customised to the patient’s specific condition. Gentle techniques and thorough assessment reduce the risk of injury, allowing patients to benefit from pain relief and improved function. For those concerned about the safety of chiropractic care, consulting with a chiropractor experienced in treating individuals with osteoporosis or low bone density is a good first step in receiving tailored, safe care.